About Us

Namaste to all our dear friends and fellow villagers

I’m thrilled to share with you the journey of our new venture: producing natural cold-pressed groundnut oil. As a retired teacher and farmer, I’ve always believed in the power of education and the wisdom of the land. But recent times have brought challenges like never before. With Corona spreading, heart diseases on the rise, and health problems everywhere, it became clear that something had to change.

Our village life, once serene and simple, has become hectic and stressful. People are always in a rush, relying on fast food and unhealthy habits. It’s no wonder that health problems like hypertension are becoming common. But amidst this chaos, there’s a solution: returning to our roots, to the purity of nature.

Our Mission

Our mission is clear: to provide you with the purest, most nutritious oil possible. Every drop is cold-pressed with care, preserving all the goodness of the groundnuts. We want to be a beacon of health in a world full of processed junk – a reminder that real food is the best medicine.

That’s why I decided to start this oil mill. Groundnut oil isn’t just any oil – it’s a treasure trove of goodness, straight from our fields. It’s packed with the kind of healthy fats that can keep our hearts strong and our bodies resilient. And the best part? It’s all natural, just the way Mother Earth intended.

Our vision is simple: to bring back the health and vitality that our village once knew. We’re not just here to make oil; we’re here to make a difference. By promoting natural living and traditional practices, we aim to create a community where everyone can thrive.

What are you waiting for

So join us on this journey towards a healthier future. Together, we can rediscover the joy of simple living and the power of nature’s bounty. Let’s say goodbye to health problems and hello to a life filled with vitality.